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Books & Articles


Jean-Jacques Rousseau and botany: the salutary science (Winner of The Society for the History of Natural History John Thackray Medal 2013)

(Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, December 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-7294-1055-7)



Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The reveries of the solitary walker, botanical writings, and letter to Franquières​

Translated and annotated by Charles E. Butterworth, Alexandra Cook, and Terence E. Marshall. Edited by Christopher Kelly

(University Press of New England, 1 jan. 2000, ISBN: 1-58465-007-9)

We botanists should be indebted to…Alexandra Cook, not only for her offering such a complete rendition of Rousseau’s botanical writings…the translations themselves, her marvellously detailed annotations and editing of the botanical writings, and her co-authored introduction.

​Taxon 49 (May 2000)

It is splendid to have a definitive translation of these works accompanied by scholarly notes….A fine and fascinating book.

​The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (2000)

Articles & Book Chapters

Jean-Jacques Rousseau S'initie à la botanique: science et art dans la manuscrit des plantes herborisées avec M. Neuhaus

In Bulletin de la société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles 139: 5-44.


An idea ahead of its time: Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s mobile botanical laboratory

In Expeditions as experiments, M. Klemun and U. Spring (eds), (Palgrave MacMillan, October 2016), 27-49.



Laurent Garcin, M.D. F.R.S.: A forgotten Source for N. L. Burman’s Flora Indica (1768)

In Harvard Papers in Botany 21/1 (July 2016): 31-53.



L’unique pharmacie botanique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau

In Jardins 6 (September 2015): 121-31.



An eighteenth-century plea for sustainable forestry: Ostervald’s Description des montagnes & vallées du pays de Neuchâtel (1764)

In 1650-1850: Ideas, aesthetics, and inquiries in the early-modern era 22 (2015): 257-78.



Le "disciple" critique "le maître": Jean Jacques Rousseau et la nomenclature linnéenne

In Nomenclatures au dix-huitième siècle: la science, ‘langue bien faite’, Denis Reynaud and Philippe Selosse (eds) (Lyon: Presses de l'Aristoloche, 2015), p. 151-165.



La fabrication posthume des fragmens pour un dictionnaire des termes d'usage en botanique et la question de son attribution à Jean-Jacques Rousseau

trans. E. Leborgne and R.S. Kuiper, in Annales de la société Jean-Jacques Rousseau 51 (2013): 93-116.



Le pluralisme taxonomique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau

​In Claire Jacquier and Timothée Léchot eds, Rousseau Botaniste, Je vais devenir plante moi-même, Fleurier et Pontarlier: Éditions du Belvédère (2012): 37-56.



La botanique, une passion contre les passions

​In Rousseau, passionnément, Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau Montmorency, Montmorency: Ville de Montmorency (2012): 55-65.



Linnaeus and Chinese plants: a test of the linguistic imperialism thesis

in Notes and Records of the Royal Society 64 (June 2010): 121-138; (first published online September 23 2009), ​doi: 10.1098/rsnr.2009.0051.



​Idées et pratiques scientifiques dans la correspondance botanique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau​

in â€‹Annales de la société Jean-Jacques Rousseau 47 (October 2008): 265-85.



​The septième promenade of the rêveries: a peculiar account of Rousseau's botany?

​J.O'Neal, ed., in The Nature of Rousseau's Reveries, special volume of Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (2008): 11-34.



​Botanical exchanges: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Duchess of Portland

in History of European Ideas 33 (2007): 142-56.



​Jean-Jacques Rousseau's anticipation of Humboldt's plant geography

Alexander von Humboldt: From the Americas to the Cosmos. Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, City University of New York. (2005): 387-401.



​Rousseau and the languages of music and botany

Musique et langage chez Rousseau, C. Dauphin, ed., inStudies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 8 (2004): 75-87.



​Jean-Jacques Rousseau et les réseaux d'échange botanique

B. Bensaude-Vincent, ed., in Rousseau et les sciences. L'harmattan (2003): 93-114​.



​Jean-Jacques Rousseau's copy of Albrecht von Haller's historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae inchoata (1768)

in Archives of Natural History 30/1 (2003): 149-156.



​Jean-Jacques Rousseau and exotic botany

in â€‹Eighteenth-Century Life special issue, Exoticism and the Culture of Exploration, R. Maccubbin and C. Knellwolf, eds. 26/3 (Fall 2002): 181-201.



​Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 'terminator' and telos in nature

​in Pensée Libre 8 (2001): 310-25.



​Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

in Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, London: Fitzroy Dearborn (October 2000): 1436-9.



​Politics of nature and voyages of exploration: some purposes and results

in â€‹Voyages and Exploration in the North Atlantic from the Middle Ages to the XVIIth Century. 2nd revised ed. Edited by A. Agnarsdottir. Reykjavik, Iceland: University of Iceland Press (2001): 125-138.



​Propagating botany: the case of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

​The Transmission of Culture in Western Europe, 1750-1850: Papers Celebrating the Bi-centenary of the Foundation in Geneva of the Bibliothèque britannique. Edited by D. Bickerton and J. Proud. Bern: Peter Lang (1999): 69-94.



​Rousseau's 'spectacle de la nature' as counterpoint to the 'theatre du monde': an analysis of the lettre à d'Alembert from the standpoint of Rousseau's botanical entreprise

in â€‹Pensée Libre 6 (1997): 23-32.


​Adrien Paschoud and Nathalie Vuillemin, Penser l’ordre naturel, 1680-1810

Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2012. H-FRANCE, www., forthcoming.



Julia Simon, Rousseau among the moderns: music, aesthetics, politics

State College: Pennsylvania State University Press 2013. Political Theory 44/3 (June 2016): 437-42.



Sue Ann Price, ed., Of Elephants & roses: French natural history, 1790-1830

Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2013. Isis 106/2 (June 2015): 457-8.



Michael Keevak, Becoming Yellow: a short history of racial thinking

Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011. British journal for the history of science 47/02 (June 2014): 378-9.



Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ecrits sur la botanique, Takuya Kobayashi (editor)

Œuvres complètes, vol. XI. Raymond Trousson and Frédéric Eigeldinger (editors). Slatkine, Geneva and Champion, Paris: 2012. Archives of Natural History 40/2 (October 2013): 371-2.



Juliet Wege, Alex George, et. al., Matthew Flinders and his scientific gentlemen

Welshpool DC: Western Australian Museum, 2005. Archives of natural history 35, pt. 2 (2008): 368-9.



Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment, 2nd edition, new approaches to European history.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005

and William E. Burns, Science in the enlightenment: an encyclopedia

Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2003. British journal for the history of science 40 (March 2007): 137-9.



Jean-Daniel Candaux and Jean-Marc Drouin (eds.), Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle: mémoires et souvenirs (1778-1841)

Bibliothèque d’histoire des sciences, 5. Geneva: Georg Editeur, 2003. British journal for the history of science 38/04 (December 2005): 482-3.



Bruny d’Entrecasteaux, Voyage to Australia and the Pacific 1791-1793

Trans. and ed. E. and M. Duyker. Melbourne: Melbourne Univ. Press, 2001. International journal of maritime history (June 2003): 259-60.



Johann Reinhold Forster, Observations made during a voyage round the world

ed. N. Thomas, H. Guest, and M. Dettelbach. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1996. International journal of maritime history (June 2001): 319-21.



G. Faccarello (ed.), Studies in the history of French political economy: from Bodin to Walras

London: Routledge, 1998. Political Science (December 2000): 200-1. Political Science (December 2000): 200-1.



F. A. Kafker, The Encyclopedists as a group: a collective biography of the authors of the 'Encyclopédie'.

Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1996. Journal of modern history 71 (June 1999): 471-473.

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